
Why I built a job application tracking tool

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Finding a job can be really hard, and keeping track of where you've applied can be even harder. I've tried using things like spreadsheets and Notion, but they always felt too tricky and took up a lot of time. There were even moments when I applied for the same job twice without realising it, as weeks had gone by. Another problem I ran into was when a job listing got taken down before my interview, and I couldn't reference it to prepare. I realised I needed an easier way to keep everything organised. That's when I decided to build a tool for myself to solve this problem.

What is the tool?

This tool is the single source of truth for your job search, helping you keep everything organised and in one place.

  1. Job Capture: When you find a job you like, you just copy the link or description into the tool. It saves all the information for you, even if the job listing gets taken down later. I use this feature to keep all the details of my applications in one place, so I don't have to scramble if I need to review a job post again.
  2. Progress Tracking: The tool helps you keep track of where you are with each job. Did you apply? Are you waiting for an interview? You can see it all in one place. This feature has been really helpful for me, as it shows me exactly what I need to follow up on, keeping the entire process less stressful.
  3. Note-Taking: You can write down notes about each job. Maybe you want to remember something cool about the company or need to remind yourself to send a follow-up email. I use this to jot down thoughts and reminders as I go through each application.
  4. Application Q&A: If you get questions during the application process or in interviews, you can write them down along with your answers. This way, you can refer back to them in the future and remember what you said during those conversations.

See it in action

Want to see how the tool works? Check out this interactive demo to get a feel for its features and functionality:

Why I made it

I built this tool to have a single place where I could track every job I've applied to over the years. I wanted to create a record, so that even years from now, I could look back and see all the companies I've interacted with. It's like keeping a diary of my job search journey.

But I don't want to stop there. I'm now working on a feature that would help you see how well a job description matches your skill set. Imagine getting a percentage score that tells you how good of a fit you are for a role based on your full experience and what the job requires.

The longer-term plan for this project is to hold your entire job history, capturing all the details, not just what's on your CV. That way, the job match score can be as accurate as possible. But it doesn't end with just scoring. I want to get to a place where the tool can compile a custom CV for you, using your actual work history to better align with job descriptions. It's not about creating AI-generated content; it's about using AI to compile your real experiences to optimise your chances. This way, you can bypass or improve your score with all those applicant tracking systems (ATS) that automatically vet and rank CVs.

It solved my problems, and is "Super Useful" for me, maybe it'll be the same for you.

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